Favourites (21 Weeks Pregnant Edition)

January 28, 2019

1. The first thing I've been loving while pregnant is an obvious one: sonograms! As I mentioned in my 'first trimester' blog post, we've gotten a lot of sonograms. This is a gif from our check-up when I was about 15 weeks. You can see his little heart fluttering and the doctor pointed out his fingers. 

2. At around the 12-week mark, I was unable to wear my regular jeans and began to live in leggings and tights with long sweaters and dresses. Before becoming pregnant I had already bought a few dresses and luckily they lend well to maternity wear. I did, however, miss wearing pants so I have since invested in a few pairs of maternity jeans as well. Elastic waistbands are the best.  

3. I cut out coffee altogether during my first trimester, and it was a struggle to say the least. Coffee shops in Korea generally lack caffeine-free options, so I often had to stick to naturally caffeine-free teas or sweet juices. Neither of which I actually enjoy. Since starting my second trimester I've caved and love decaf coffee. I have found that a few franchises in town carry decaf (Starbucks, Angel-in-us, Tom n Toms, Coffee Bean) so they've become my go-tos. I expected decaf coffee to taste different and disappointing but it really doesn't and it's really, really great.

4. Once becoming pregnant, I felt like I needed all the information I could absorb. One especially useful app that I've come to appreciate is The Bump. It provides week-by-week breakdowns of baby progress, my body's progress, and daily articles that are relevant to my stage of pregnancy. 

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Another app that PH and I have both been using is called 280days. I don't know where this app originated but it has both English and Korean options which is perfect for us. This app also has weekly progress information, but more than that it allows both myself and PH to create a collaborative journal to write thoughts throughout the pregnancy. I am able to see his journal and he can see mine. 

5. Don't have a photo for this one yet, but I've been loving the process of decorating the nursery and nesting in general. PH and I actually moved at the end of December so it's been an apartment-wide kind of nesting process but it's something I really enjoy and can bask in since it's now vacation. Pictures to come!


  1. I'm pleased to hear that I can finally get decaf in Seoul. It wasn't like that last time I was in Korea. Do all Starbucks in Seoul carry decaf or is it just a select few? I've read that not all Tom n Toms stock decaf and I'm wondering if that's true for Starbucks also.

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